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Website Hosting Plans

Best Website Hosting Services

The web hosting providers indeed differ from each other. Despite having been in the hosting market for a long time, not many website hosting account deliverers provide lots of server farm facility location alternatives for their invaluable customers. Despite its inconsiderable dimensions, '' offers FOUR exciting datacenter places: the United States, Great Britain, Sweden and Australia. You can order domain registration-only accounts or shared web hosting accounts in each of the named data centers. The more powerful semi-dedicated hosting and dedicated hosting are available exclusively in the American datacenter.

Feature Overview Webspace Hosting Semi-Dedicated Dedicated Servers
Price Per Month
Web Storage Unlimited Unlimited 240 GB
Data Traffic Unlimited Unlimited 10 TB
Server CPU Limit 5% 100% 100%
Dedicated RAM N/A N/A 4 GB
MySQL DBs 5 Unlimited Unlimited
Hosted Hostnames 1 Unlimited Unlimited
FTPs Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Emails 100 Unlimited Unlimited
Root Access
Secure Shell Access Optional
1-click Web Apps Installation Tool 2
Hepsia Control Panel
cPanel Control Panel

Server CPU Limit 1 - The central processing unit allowance is contingent on the specific private virtual server hosting plan.

1-click Web Apps Installation Tool 2 - Included only in the Hepsia hosting CP.